APRIL 23, 2014


Meeting Recap


      Greetings Rotarians! Today’s speaker was Kevin Goddard, Vice President for External Affairs for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont.  Kevin briefed the Club on the progress of Vermont Health Connect and some of the issues with its implementation. He indicated that there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the program and that there seem to be far more questions than answers about this new initiative.  He remains hopeful that the process will get easier for carriers and insured individuals alike.  For more information about Vermont Health Connect, please visit

2014 Essex Rotary Golf Tournament
The golf tournament is a mere 48 days away! The sponsors are still trickling in, but we need to continue our push for more hole and cart sponsors.  Sponsorship brochures are available at the meetings or electronically if you need them (I have attached a copy to this newsletter).  Remember, this is our Club’s biggest fundraising event and its success will help give us the financial flexibility we need to donate to more charities in the upcoming Rotary year.  Every sponsor we can get helps!
Essex Rotary Changeover Dinner
            Please mark your calendars for the evening of Wednesday, June 25th.  Our Club will be holding its annual Changeover Dinner at The Essex on that date.  This dinner will be held in lieu of our regularly scheduled meeting that day.  Please note that President Marie recently announced that we will not be doing a live auction at this year’s event. We will provide more details about the dinner as they become available.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:  Wednesday, April 30, 2014 – We will be holding our monthly charity committee meetings.  Just as a reminder, as we approach the end of the Rotary year, it is important that all of the committees determine how they want to allocate their funds and to get their requests for checks to Kristin Winer well before the end of the fiscal year.
For the complete list of upcoming speakers and general information about the Club, please go to our website at  Be sure to also check out our Club’s Facebook page!
       Yours in Rotary,
Jason Ruwet