MAY 6, 2015

Meeting Recap

       Greetings Rotarians! Today we held our charitable committee meetings.  Just as a reminder, we are rapidly approaching the end of the fiscal Rotary year.  With that in mind, committees are asked to figure out their final donations and submit check requests to Kristin Winer quickly as she will need plenty of lead time to process these requests before the end of the fiscal year.
Essex Rotary Dues
            By now you all should have received your invoices for membership dues.  It is important that you please pay these promptly as the Club needs to provide complete membership figures to the District and Rotary International by the start of the new fiscal Rotary year. Non-payment of dues may result in termination of your membership.  If you do not intend to renew your Rotary membership for the upcoming year, we ask that you please notify President Phil as soon as possible.
Bike to Rotary Day
            In honor of bike to work week, we are doing a Bike to Rotary day on May 13th (with a rain date of May 20th). A 5.5 mile ride is scheduled after the meeting for anyone who is interested in joining.  Please contact Pat Spielman for more information about this event.
Food Pantry Volunteers
            Sharon Dettenrieder is looking for volunteers to assist at the Heavenly Pantry Foodshelf on the fourth Thursday of each month from 3:30pm to 6:30pm.  The dates for which volunteers are needed are May 28th, June 25th, July 23rd and August 27th. Please contact Sharon if you are able to help out.
Essex Rotary Golf Tounament
            The drive for another successful Golf Tournament is now officially on!  Every Rotarian is asked to do his or her part in securing cart and hole sponsors for this event.  As we are inching closer to this event, members need to kick the drive for more sponsors into high gear! This is our Club’s biggest fundraiser, so it is important that everyone helps out with this effort!
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:  Wednesday, May 13, 2015 – Our speaker will be Jason Van Driesche from Local Motion.
For the complete list of upcoming speakers and general information about the Club, please go to our website at   Be sure to also visit us on Facebook at
       Yours in Rotary,
Jason Ruwet