JUNE 24, 2015

            Greetings Rotarians!  In lieu of our regularly scheduled meeting, we held our annual Changeover Dinner.  We had a chance to say a fond thank you to outgoing President, Phil Murdock and his board of Marie Schonholtz (immediate past president); Nancy Freeze (president-elect); Jean Ashe (secretary); Kristin Winer (treasurer); Betty Poulin (membership chair); Mike Plageman (sergeant at arms); Mike Leboeuf (member at large); Brad LaRose (member at large) and Damon Clark (member at large).  Thank you all for serving our Club this year!  We then took the opportunity to welcome incoming President, Nancy Freeze and her board.  Many of the previous board members stayed on in their same capacities, however, Phil Murdock took over as immediate past president, Andy Love stepped up as our new sergeant at arms, and Sharon Dettenrieder is our new president elect.  We wish our new board the best of luck in the upcoming year.   To quote “In Flanders Field” by John Macrae;
“. . . to you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to it hold high.”
Heavenly Pantry Food Shelf
            Thank you to all of the Rotarians who have signed up to volunteer at the Heavenly Pantry Food Shelf next week.  There will be more opportunities to volunteer for the next event that will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, July 23rd.  Please contact Sharon Dettenrieder for more information.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:  Wednesday, July 1, 2015 – President Nancy Freeze will be delivering her “State of Rotary” speech.  We will also be hearing from each of the committee chairs and possibly hearing the results of our recent Rotary Satisfaction survey.
For the complete list of upcoming speakers and general information about the Club, please go to our website at   Be sure to also visit us on Facebook at
       Yours in Rotary,
Jason Ruwet