Feb 06, 2019
Tim Gendron, Essex Rotary Club Member
Suicide Prevention and the Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition - Umatter

Essex Rotary Club member Tim Gendron is an active participant in the Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition.  He has asked to bring Essex Rotary  up to speed on the mission and focus of this incredibly valuable Vermont resource that is working every day to save lives in our communities.  Tim has undergone a VSPC training recently. 

The Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition consists of over 70 representatives from public health, education, state agencies, suicide prevention advocacy groups, youth leadership, mental health services and survivors throughout the state.  The Vermont Department of Mental Health has an comprehensive program related to preventing suicides.  Click the link to review. 

The mission is to create communities of hope throughout Vermont in which schools, agencies and people of all ages are given the knowledge, attitudes, skills and resources to respond effectively to suicidal behavior. The principal message of VSPC is Umatter.