ROTARY SPEECH CONTEST & Supporting the Expanded Needs of Cancer Patients through an Emergency Fund
The Cancer Patients Support Foundation provides hope and emergency financial assistance to help Vermont cancer patients pay for basic living needs like housing, home heat and electricity, groceries, out-of-pocket medical expenses and gas for transportation to treatment. We serve more than 500 patients every year throughout Vermont, partnering with medical providers and social workers who refer patients to us for support.
Also, Round one of the Annual District 7850 Speech Contest will kick off. Essex Rotary has been one of the leaders in recruiting students to speak to a topic provided by Rotary District 7850. And last year, guess what, our student winner WON!! Amy Jackman is working with EHS and MMU staff to recruit students who are interested in making a speech.
Executive Director Sarah Wallace-Brodeur will share more about CPSF and its mission. Sarah's bio includings years of involvement with major Vermont non-profits:
Sarah Wallace-Brodeur is the Executive Director of the Cancer Patient Support Foundation, joining the organization in 2024. She previously served as Senior Director of Operations and past Interim Executive Director at the Vermont Family Network, where she worked for over 16 years in a variety of roles. Sarah grew up in Montpelier, graduating from the University of Vermont with a B.A. in Political Science in 1993. She lives with her family in South Hero.