Weekly Club Newsletter 2014 03 12
MARCH 12, 2014
Meeting Recap
Greetings Rotarians! We kicked things off by recognizing another member who attained the status of a Paul Harris Fellow. Through his generous donations to the Rotary Foundation, Ray Allaire became the latest Essex Rotarian to be achieve this status. Thank you, Ray for your selfless support of the Rotary Foundation! Our speakers today were Chittenden County State’s Attorney, TJ Donovan and Bill Young, Executive Director of the Maple Leaf Farm rehabilitation center. Both individuals were on hand to discuss the epidemic of opiate addiction that is running rampant through our state. Mr. Donovan emphasized the high costs of battling this problem at both the state and local levels. He pointed out that the cost of running our state’s correctional facilities represents the second fastest growing line item in our state’s budget. Both of our speakers indicated that the real issue we face is the lack of treatment options for those who are addicted to opiates. They both stressed that addiction is a disease that needs to be treated as such.
Essex Rotary Key Bank All-Star Hockey Classic
We are now in the home stretch for the Hockey Classic! For the first time in years, we have not only filled every spot, but we have also not had to rely on non-rotarians to staff this event. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to volunteer! We have also received a great deal of publicity for this event as several newspapers across the state have published articles about the games. We’ll see everyone on Saturday!
District 7850 Rotary Leadership Institute
The District Rotary Leadership Institute is offering leadership courses for anyone who is interested. The next courses are scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. This is a great way to learn about the many functions of Rotary, so newer members are strongly encouraged to attend. For registration information, please visit http://www.rlinea.org/Registration.htm
District 7850 District Conference
Just as a reminder, the District 7850 Conference is being held in Burlington this year from April 25th through April 27th. If you are interested in attending any of the scheduled meals at this event, please register at:
Upcoming Meeting Schedule: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - Our speaker will be Renee Dall, founder of “Cocktails for Curing Cancer”.
For the complete list of upcoming speakers and general information about the Club, please go to our website at www.essexrotary.org Be sure to also check out our Club’s Facebook page!
Yours in Rotary,
Jason Ruwet